Mark X.K. Yan




Xiaokai YAN, a native of Zhuzhou, Hunan, goes by the English nickname Mark, though it may change in the future. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Journalism and Communication at Nanjing University in Jiangsu province.

His primary research focus lies in computational narrative and sociological theories (which often leave him scratching his head). In his spare time, he enjoys exploring Zen Buddhism (don’t worry, he’s just bragging).

However, above all else, he is the proud owner of a Shiba Inu named Nai Cha, and he once had a Chinese village dog named Duo Duo. Indeed, nothing is more important to him than these furry companions.


Oct 9, 2023 🍹Personal website is established, cheers!
Oct 1, 2023 🏝️Formally invited to join the Computational Communication Collaboratory.
Sep 8, 2023 🏄Admitted to the School of Journalism and Communication at NJU, the road to a hero begins.

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